The HAPCOA National Training Symposium
in Mesa, AZ has been postponed!

National Board

2023 – 2024 National Board

Interim President Mary Ruiz, SSA (Retired), IRS-CID, San Antonio, TX
Immediate Past President Chief Deputy Don Tijerina, Bexar County Constable’s Office Precinct 2, San Antonio TX
President Emeritus Stephen Noguera, NCIS Supervisor Special Agent (Retired)
1st Vice President Lt. Steve Reyna, Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, San Antonio, TX
2nd Vice President Mary Ruiz, SSA (Retired), IRS-CID, San Antonio, TX
3rd Vice President Reuben Ramirez, Assistant Chief of Police, City of Dallas TX Police Department
4th Vice President Erik Moncayo, Deputy Assistant Commissioner (Retired.), US Customs & Border Protection
National Treasurer Clarence Jorif, SSA (Retired), US Secret Service, Dallas, TX
Sergeant-at-arms Manny Ovalle, Ombudsman (Retired), UD-USSS, Washington, DC
National Secretary Open
Parliamentarian/Historian Jacobo Negron, Captain, Harvard University Police Department, Boston, MA
Director at Large Robert Arcos, Chief, Los Angeles DA Bureau of Investigations
International Ambassador Alex Zunca, Baltimore School Police (Retired). Maryland
Executive Director Tony Chapa, Assistant Director (Retired), US Secret Service, Washington, DC
Symposium Director Mary Cox, Arizona


Past Presidents

Don Tijerina 2022-2023
Stephen Noguera 2021-2022
Teresa Ramon 2019-2021
Richard Rosa 2017-2019
Tina Nieto 2016-2017
John Torres 2015-2016
Don Tijernia 2014-2015
Xavier Morales 2013-2014
Paul J. Chapa 2012-2013
Joaquin J. Herran 2011-2012
Tony Cox 2010-2011
Hector Hernandez 2008-2010
James Pina 2007-2008
Ray Leyva 2006-2007
Frank Hernandez 2005-2006
Albert Najera 2004-2005
Elvin Crespo 2003-2004
Arthur R Parra Sr. 2002-2003
Sandalio Gonzalez 2001-2002
Ralph Lopez 2000-2001
Edwin Rios 1999-2000
Errol J. Chavez 1998-1999
Joe Delopez 1997-1998
Arturo Venegas 1995-1996
George A. Rodrigues 1993-1994
Wilfred Navarro 1991-1992
Eduardo Gonzalez 1989-1990
David S Gomez 1987- 1988
Abel S. Armas 1986-1987
Charles Gonzales 1981-1986
Alberto Atividad 1978-1980
Eusevio Hernandez 1973-1978