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Art Acevedo Sworn in as Houston Police Chief

December 6, 2016

(Houston) Members of the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) and members of the National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA) proudly attend the swearing in of Art Acevedo as the new Chief of Police of the Houston Police Department on Wednesday, November 30, 2016.
Art “Ace” Acevedo was sworn in as the Chief of the fifth largest police force in the United States with a team of over 5,000 officers.

Before the press Chief Acevedo said that in his first weeks in office he will focus on building relationships with the community and his new police force, as well as taking a look at various department procedures to make sure HPD is “working smarter, not harder.” Acevedo said he will be sending out a survey to all officers asking what their needs are, and that he will immediately begin looking for ways to make improvements.

Previously Chief Acevedo served as Police Chief in Austin, TX for nearly10 years and prior was a Division Chief with the California Highway Patrol. Chief Acevedo previously received the HAPCOA “Aguila Award”, which is HAPCOA’s highest national recognition award and he also previously served as National President of the NLPOA.

HAPCOA proudly congratulates Chief Acevedo.

Chief Acevedo congratulated by Richard Garcia, HAPCOA (retired Assistant Director FBI)


HAPCOA & NLPOA stand tall with Chief Acevedo


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