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HAPCOA Attends 3rd Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing.

January 6, 2020

(Washington, DC) The 3rd Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing was held on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 in the Department of Justice Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Attorney General William P. Barr recognized 19 law enforcement officers from across the country for their outstanding work in the following categories:  Criminal Investigations, Field Operations, and Innovations in Community Policing.

“Honoring and supporting the work of law enforcement officers and deputies is a top priority for the Trump Administration, and today is an opportunity for me to personally express my gratitude and commitment to those who risk their lives daily to protect our communities,” said Attorney General Barr.

Attorney General Barr recognized the family members present and that their sacrifice is not forgotten. “To my mind there is no more noble profession than serving as a law enforcement officer.  You put your life and well-being on the line to protect your communities. And your families spend anxious nights, night after night, so the rest of us can sleep in peace.” The Attorney General stated that policing is a difficult job today more than ever.  He addressed how drugs has manifested itself in society, the problem of violent crimes and how law enforcement officers are expected to deal with societal problems because other people may not be doing their jobs.

Richard Rosa (Immediate Past PresidentHAPCOA), Marcia C. Ferranto (CEO NLEOM) and Dwayne A. Crawford (Exec. Dir. NOBLE)

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