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HAPCOA attends the 45th Annual NLPOA Training and Development Symposium in Broomfield, CO

September 21, 2018

(Broomfield, CO)  HAPCOA National President Richard Rosa and HAPCOA member, Juan Riberas, attended the 45th Annual National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA) Training and Development Symposium held in Broomfield, Colorado from September 4th – 8th

The event was hosted by the Denver Chapter of NLPOA.  Several chapters from around the country were present: NY, NJ, MN, FL, AZ, NV, CA, KS, DE, TX, and CO.  We were well received by the National Board and the membership.  I had the opportunity to meet many fine officers and network with current National Board members, including board members of several chapters.  During our conversations, there was a recurrent theme raised concerning the lack of promotional opportunities, especially in the upper ranks. 

There was a genuine interest from some of the chapter members who are considering attending the 45th Annual HAPCOA Training Symposium in Baltimore, MD in April 2019.  Elections were also held during this symposium.  National President Cindy Rodriguez won re-election for another two-year term through acclamation.  She was truly honored and humbled by the vote of confidence received and her ability to continue to represent NLPOA’s best interests.  

HAPCOA and NLPOA has developed and fostered a relationship of mutual interest for many years.  We continue to make our presence known in the communities we serve and protect.  We must continue to remain resolute, to forge ahead, not deviate nor look back, but steadfast in our resolve and trajectory in our efforts to break the glass ceiling.       

Right to Left:
Juan Riberas (HAPCOA – member)
Roy Garivey (NLPOA – VP)
Pedro Lopez, Jr. (Asst. Chief, HPD)
Richard Rosa (HAPCOA – Nat’l Pres.)

Cindy Rodriguez (NLPOA – National President)
Richard Rosa (HAPCOA – National President)

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