HAPCOA Interns are recognized and issued certificates by Director Roderick Allison, Federal Air Marshal Service, at the HAPCOA National Capitol Regional Chapter Fall Banquet on Friday, September 23, 2016 in Maryland.
The genesis for the TSA/FAMS Hispanic internships occurred last year, at HAPCOA’s 42nd Annual Symposium in San Antonio, Texas. FAMS Director – Roderick Allison offered to partner with HAPCOA and to authorize five paid summer internships. HAPCOA Executive Director Anthony ‘Tony’ Chapa assigned this task to the HAPCOA National Capitol Region Chapter headed by Prince Georges County Police Captain Joe Perez.
Applications were received from across the country but the largest pool of applicants received was from the Maryland region. Thanks to Joe’s networking, contacts and partnerships with the local community 4 of the 5 candidates selected were attending the University of Maryland. The other candidate was attending Aurora University in Illinois. HAPCOA 2nd Vice President Richard Rosa, FAMS Supervisor, interviewed all the applicants and reported, “I was truly impressed by the applicant’s desire in seeking a law enforcement career. They are 1st generation Latinos who want to make a difference which makes me proud to know them”
HAPCOA is truly appreciative of the opportunity offered by Director Allison. His forward thinking and vision in promoting the tenets of a diverse workforce is evident in the experiences shared by the 2016 Summer Interns. Following are brief statements provided by each HAPCOA FAMS Intern:
My name is Manuel and I’m a senior at the University of Maryland. I’m pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice with a concentration in Terrorism Studies. My ultimate career goal is to work in the intelligence field within the federal government and thanks to the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) I was selected and appointed to an internship with the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS). During the past summer, 2016, I was exposed to a professional environment at this prestigious federal agency. Among many things, I learned how to hold myself to high integrity standards and the importance of supporting the agencies’ mission statement. This internship opportunity didn’t just expose me to different tasks among the FAMS but also gave me the opportunity to practice my networking skills and to put in practice my ethical values as well. Thanks to HAPCOA and this internship opportunity I was approved to stay with the FAMS as a part-time employee. I can certainly say that such opportunity has greatly impacted my life and it has accelerated my career goals and expectations. I look forward on serving and protecting the citizens of the United States of America.
My name is Michael and I am a Junior Criminal Justice and Criminology major at the University of Maryland, College Park. This past summer I had the great privilege of interning at the Newark Field Office of the Federal Air Marshal Service. I am truly grateful to HAPCOA for this amazing opportunity, as I was able to get an in-depth look at the agency and its responsibilities to the citizens of the United States. While at the field office, I assisted in many tasks such as: conducting essential file audits, organizing time sheets, creating certification folders for employees, and assisting in K9 training operations. Overall, my favorite part about my internship experience was being able to come into the office every day and be surrounded by professionals that constantly worked toward making a difference in today’s homeland security spectrum. I am proud to have interned for the Federal Air Marshal Service and I look forward to returning to the field office this winter!
I’m Thalia and I am attending the University of Maryland. My summer internship with OLE/ FAMS, partnered with HAPCOA, was an insightful great experience for my future career goal with joining the federal law enforcement. I was assigned to work at headquarters in Arlington, VA with the Personal Security Section (Per Sec). My time with Per Sec has taught me many different administrative tasks that occur on a daily basis. I have learned how the work that Per Sec conducts plays a pivotal role in ensuring and is an important contribution into making sure that employees within the agency meet TSA’s mission and objectives.
The internship also gave all the interns, including myself, the opportunity to learn of the many different careers within FAMS. Right away, we were scheduled to many events where we had the chance to get familiarized with the different areas of the organization. My first interaction was at the Reston HQ, where I was able to meet members of the FFDO, Flight OPS, and many other sections. By far, my favorite events were our trips to the Freedom Center and the tour of the Firing Range. The internship has affected my growth in a number of ways. It has helped me gain knowledge of a career with the FAMS. I cannot thank you enough for being able to intern with OLE/ FAMS this summer. My experience with the agency has been memorable and has impacted my motivation even more in becoming a federal agent!
I am writing to thank the Hispanic Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) for giving me the opportunity to intern for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) within the Office of Law Enforcement/Federal Air Marshal Service (OLE/FAMS). As a first generation Latino college student majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland, College Park. I was pleased for being selected for the 2016 summer paid internship opportunity. This federal internship experience has truly made an impact on my personal goals after graduating from college. Surely this internship has challenged and prepared me to become a successful individual while working for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I can proudly say that I am now ready to make wise decisions in serving others through my knowledge and skills. In fact, I learned so much more about myself everyday of this summer internship from the moment I entered the internship program. Most importantly, I acknowledge that not many Latino youth have this opportunity to have a direct experience for their career aspirations as I did with this internship. Personally I want to give a special thank you, to Mr. Richard Rosa, Ms. Sandra Mosso and Mr. Jose Calleja for their guidance throughout this summer to making this internship experience exciting and educational to the fullest.
Therefore, I hope that one day as a professional, to reach out to others in accomplishing their goals as (HAPCOA) has helped me in which students like myself will become leaders of today and inspiration to others. It was a pleasure to become part of great organization and agency.
Again, thank you!–Charles
I’m John and I am currently attending Aurora University in Illinois, majoring in Criminal Justice. The FAMS internship was a great experience because it exposed me to almost every facet of the Federal Air Marshal Service as well as getting a feel for what it is like to work for the federal government. Throughout this summer internship, I was exposed to very interesting areas of the FAMs. We were able to visit multiple offices and get a view of the different roles that contribute to the FAMs mission. While on these trips we were able to meet different mission and non-mission related personnel that were extremely committed to the mission, passionate about their work, and were helpful on any questions we had. Along with these trips, I was also able to work on a project that was within the FAMs mission and I took great pride in helping contribute. This internship was valuable to me and will help me continue my pursuit in criminal justice and law enforcement.
HAPCOA VP Rosa addresses the HAPCOA NCR Banquet and introduces the HAPCOA FAMS Interns.
HAPCOA FAMS Interns receive certificates from Director Allison, Federal Air Marshal Service.
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