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Independent Study Course: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats (IS-915)

August 6, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently released an online independent study course titled Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats (IS-915).  The one-hour course was developed by the Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute (EMI), Commercial Facilities Sector-Specific Agency, critical infrastructure owners and operators, and other Federal and state agencies.

Designed for critical infrastructure employees and stakeholders, Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats enhances awareness of the potential threats to critical infrastructure from malicious actions taken by those inside the organization.  The course also provides guidance on how to identify insider threats to critical infrastructure and an overview of common characteristics and indicators associated with malicious insiders.

This is the sixth independent study course in the Critical Infrastructure Security Awareness Series developed by the DHS/IP and offered to government and private sector stakeholders through FEMA/EMI.  The content covers a range of topics including: defining insider threat; the scope and impact of insider threats; and identifying actions that can be taken against insider threats.  The course can be found by visiting

EMI offers more than 150 independent study courses designed for the general public, as well as courses specifically focused on emergency management.  All courses are free to those who qualify for enrollment.  To get a complete listing of all EMI independent study offerings, visit: .

To access this course directly, follow this link:

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