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Statement by the International Association of Chiefs of Police on United States Immigration Enforcement Policy and Sanctions

March 29, 2017

Immigration enforcement is a complex and challenging issue for communities and their law enforcement agencies throughout the United States.

State and local law enforcement agencies are steadfast in their commitment to removing from their community’s dangerous criminals and others who pose a threat to public safety. Any suggestion to the contrary is simply inaccurate.

The IACP agrees that illegal immigration and border security issues directly impact the safety of communities and that effective action is needed to meet this challenge.  At the same time, however, state and local law enforcement agencies depend on the cooperation of immigrants, legal or not, in solving a wide array of crimes.  Striking the proper balance between enforcement and cooperation requires the full participation of elected officials, community leaders and their law enforcement agencies.

The IACP has and always will strongly oppose the use of sanctions to drive policy; this was true with prior Administrations and remains true with the current Administration. The funds provided through the Department of Justice support a wide array of crime fighting, crime prevention and public health initiatives. Penalizing communities by withholding assistance funding to law enforcement agencies and other critical programs is counter-productive to our shared mission of reducing violent crime and keeping our communities safe.

We stand ready to work with the Administration to help identify thoughtful, effective solutions to this complex and challenging issue.

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