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Vice Minister of Public Security Joins HAPCOA Panama Chapter

October 6, 2017

(Panama) The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) Panama Chapter swore-in as its latest member the Honorable Johnattan Del Rosario, Vice Minister, Ministerio de Seguridad Publica, Republica de Panama. Chapter President Julio Burgos, Attaché, US Embassy Panama, provided a welcoming address to all in attendance at the Panamanian National Police ‘Salon de Conferencia’. Also presenting a briefing at this Chapter meeting was Captain Mario Chan, Panama National Police, who presented a review of the National Police K-9 program. HAPCOA Executive Director Anthony Chapa proved an update on the accomplishments and projects addressed by HAPCOA and its Chapters.

The HAPCOA Panama Chapter invited Minister Del Rosario to attend its Chapter meeting and to present his vision for Public Safety in Panama. Minister Del Rosario applauded HAPCOA’s efforts to establish the event in San Antonio that resulted in MOU’s signed between international police agencies. He also announced his interest in expanding, with help from HAPCOA, this outreach to other locations within the United States.

HAPCOA Panama Chapter October Meeting

HAPCOA Panama Sgt-at-arms Estaban Blis

HAPCOA Executive Director Chapa Addresses the Panama Chapter

Vice Minister Del Rosario receives his HAPCOA Lapel Pin from Executive Director Chapa

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