The HAPCOA National Training Symposium
in Mesa, AZ has been postponed!

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Blossoms and Bling!

August 25, 2020

Our sweet Brooke Elizabeth loved wearing and sharing beautiful blossoms and bling!

Now YOU can have the very special opportunity to wear a GORGEOUS, intricately designed and very unique sterling silver Brooke’s Blossoms ring adorned with a sparkling pink center for FREE! How you ask????

Thanks to our special partnership with compassionate friends at Variety Television Network, this ring can be yours when you become a member of the online commerce club. It gets better too… every membership of the commerce club also gives 20% of the proceeds to our foundation as well as proceeds of other future items you buy too! Stay tuned too because a COMPLETE line is being made!

Isn’t that amazing???

Brooke loved to say thank you… and what a beautiful way to thank YOU for your support!!!

The inside of the ring even has engraved replicas of her own signature curly “B”

Remember too, if you don’t want the free ring you can still sign up for the $15 a month membership and get discounted items to support our foundation later too.

So don’t delay… please check out the link below with details on how you can get your free ring (or even 2 free rings) with this unique way to display your support for Brooke’s Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer Foundation and the children we serve worldwide!

Get your free Brooke’s Blossom Bling Ring by clicking here!

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