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HAPCOA Attends DOJ/COPS Law Enforcement Roundtable

November 6, 2018

(Washington DC)  HAPCOA was invited by the Department of Justice / COPS Office to send a representative to attend and participate in its Law Enforcement Roundtable.  San Antonio HAPCOA Chapter President Chief Deputy Don Tijerina attended the event whose topic was “Improving the Identification and Reporting of Hate Crimes”.  This event was held at the COPS Office in Washington, D.C. on October 29th and 30th, 2018. The goal of this Roundtable was to coordinate the DOJ’s efforts to eradicate hate crimes and facilitate outreach to law enforcement agencies and the public.   

Some of the solutions discussed were to standardize the definition of a hate crime and hate crime incidents across the nation; more training on identifying and reporting of hate crimes; and the establishing of hate crimes/anti-bias/civil rights units (even if only one person) in all agencies throughout the nation.

The event was attended by the DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein.

Attendees included members of Law Enforcement Agencies and National Organizations.

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