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HAPCOA Participates in Law Enforcement Roundtable; House Committee on Homeland Security

May 22, 2017

(Washington, DC)  The Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications and Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence held a joint roundtable with representatives of law enforcement on Thursday, May 18th at the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, DC.  The purpose of the meeting was to present to members of the committee a law enforcement perspective of the Department of Homeland Security’s outreach to State and local law enforcement.  The findings of this roundtable would be used to inform a future joint hearing the Subcommittees plan to hold with representatives from DHS.

Members of Congress present during the roundtable included: Representing the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications: Ranking Member Donald M. Payne (NJ-10); Member John Rutherford (FL-4).  Representing the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence:  Ranking Member Kathleen M. Rice (NY-4); Will Hurd (TX-23) and Shelia Jackson Lee (TX-18).

Invited members of the law enforcement community and also representing law enforcement associations included: Chuck Dewitt, Major City Chiefs Association; Assistant Chief Perry Tarrant, NOBLE; Sheriff Paul Laney, Cass County, ND; Jonathan Thompson, National Sheriffs Association; Sheriff Richard Stanek, Major County Sheriffs Association; Sheriff Jim McDonnell, Los Angeles Sheriffs Department; Lt Wayne Bilowit, Los Angeles Sheriffs Department; James Baker, International Association of Chiefs of Police and Anthony Chapa, Executive Director, HAPCOA.

A reception followed this meeting and contact was made with visiting Members of Congress and many senior staff members of the noted Congressional subcommittees.  HAPCOA made with Member J. Luis Correa (CA-46) representing the Subcommittee on Border & Maritime Security.

HAPCOA Executive Director Anthony Chapa and NOBLE President Perry Tarrant.

A Chapa, HAPCOA; Sheriff Paul Laney; Sheriff Jim McDonnell; and Assistant Chief Tarrant.

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