The HAPCOA National Training Symposium
in Mesa, AZ has been postponed!

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Verizon Wireless

April 10, 2021
Verizon Communications Inc., headquartered in New York, is a Dow 30 company employing a diverse workforce of more than 180,000 dedicated employees around the globe. Every day, we connect people, companies and communities with our powerful network technology. Not many companies get the chance to change the industry and change the world through innovation. We do. And as we take on these exciting opportunities, we remain true to Verizon’s Credo, providing clear direction for every employee action, every day.

Recent Articles

The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) NationalBoard has decided to reschedule the NationalRead More


(Washington, DC) HAPCOA’s National Board Ambassador at Large, Alejandro Zunca, was awarded the Community LeaderRead More


(Austin) Congratulations to Dallas Police Department Chief Eddie Garcia and Assistant Chief Reuben Ramirez whoRead More
