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July 8, 2014

(SAN ANTONIO)  On June 23rd-27th 2014 HAPCOA San Antonio Chapter manned a recruitment table at the 2014 TEXAS GANG INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION Symposium at The Omni Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The Symposium was attended by almost 800 attendees. Attendees came from all levels of Law Enforcement in the State of Texas, and some attendees traveled from as far away as Wyoming.

Our goal for the week was to make people aware of HAPCOA, and its mission. Although we didn’t get any people to sign up directly. We did get many attendees take our information back to their respective agencies. We did get one attendee inquire about possibly opening a Houston chapter. While attending as both an attendee, and vendor, I was able to speak to some vendors who expressed interest in attending our 2014 Symposium. We were also invited to attend next year’s symposium in Corpus Christi, and also T.G.I.A.’s local regional meeting in September. I would also like to thank HAPCOA San Antonio Chapter members: Angel Vasquez, Joe Quintero, Leo Quintero, Yvonne Vann and Mary Ruiz for helping man the HAPCOA table throughout the week.

(Caption Under the Photo)  HAPCOA recruiters Jesse Garcia, Yvonne Vann & Leo Quintero.

Article submitted by:  Jesse L. Garcia, HAPCOA San Antonio Chapter

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