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HAPCOA Attends Research Summit on Women in Policing

December 6, 2018

(Washington DC) The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) hosted a Research Summit on Women in Policing in Washington, DC, December 3 & 4, 2018.  The summit was designed to bring together line, mid-rank and executive police officers, researchers, international experts and professional associations to explore current literature on women in policing; identify barriers to recruitment, retention, and promotion; explore the realities that women working in the policing field face; and identify promising practices for increasing representation and improving culture. 

The results and findings of the summit will be published in a special report, published by the National Institute of Justice, which will be used to chart a course for future research on the topic of women in policing.

HAPCOA National President Rich Rosa attended the summit in Washington, DC. along with Vera Bumper – President (NOBLE), Kathy Sanz – Executive Director (WIFLE) and Kym Craven – Executive Director (NAWLEE). 

NIJ offers a 3-year developmental opportunity to mid-career police personnel utilizing research as a means to communicate law enforcement policies and practices.  This opportunity is through the LEADS Scholars program and applications will become available in April 2019.  The below link to the NIJ website provides more information.

Program Activities

Scholars join the program for three years during which they:

  • Attend the IACP Annual Symposium and a summer session at NIJ headquarters in Washington, D.C.
  • Meet with Department of Justice and IACP Leadership
  • Serve as NIJ peer reviewers.
  • Network with leading criminal justice researchers
  • Undertake data-driven research.

Kym Craven (NAWLEE) and Vera Bumpers (NOBLE) with Pres. Rich Rosa

Cynthia Shain (Southern Policing Institute and ICITAP) with Pres. Rich Rosa

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