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HAPCOA Joins IACP Trust Advisory Board

September 10, 2018

(Washington DC)  IACP President Chief Louis M. Dekmar (La Grange, Georgia) invited HAPCOA’s Executive Director Anthony Chapa to join the IACP Trust Advisory Board.  On Monday, September 10, 2018 the Trust Advisory Board held a meeting to provide its board with an update regarding its recent efforts.

Over the past several months the IACP Trust Advisory Board sponsored ‘Listening Sessions’ which were held in:  Albany, NY; Ferguson, MO; Sacramento, CA; and Fort Morgan, CO.  Reportedly 30-40 individuals participated in each listening session.  Participation included: youth; faith community; social services/non-profit providers; business leaders; educators; civil rights groups; community activists; and members of the community at large.

The central themes indentified by those in attendance included:

  • Transparency
  • Communications
  • Accountability

Recommendations received as a result of these listening sessions included the following themes:

Hiring and Recruitment (Education levels)
Training (Crisis Intervention, Cultural Diversity & Civil Rights & Race Relations)
Diversity (Hiring Programs, Outreach to local Colleges, Community outreach)
Communications (Use of Social Media to provide updates to the community)
Technology (Positive use of Body Cams and new Apps)
Community Outreach (Citizens Police Academy’s & Community events)
Youth Outreach & School Resource Officers
Employee Wellness/Mental Health/Trauma

Follow-up will include the issuance of a Trust Advisory Board final report during the 125th Annual IACP Symposium in Orlando, FL, October 6-9, 2018.


Pictured are HAPCOA National President Rich Rosa, IACP President Chief Louis DeKmar and HAPCOA Executive Director Tony Chapa.

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