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HAPCOA Los Angeles Chapter Hosts Mixer

May 3, 2023

(Los Angeles) The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) Los Angeles Chapter, hosted a Mixer and membership drive this past April 27th at the Havana House, Cigars & Lounge, in Alhambra, CA.

The Mixer included a Taco Bar, Cigars and was well attended by HAPCOA members, prospective members and supporters. Other like events are planned. Next, the LA Chapter will be hosting, its Scholarship Gala on June 29th in Los Angeles, where they will also honor Judge Lucy Armendariz among others. Please visit the HAPCOA LA Chapter website for details and updates.

HAPCOA LA MIXER on Instagram (hapcoala)
HAPCOA LA MIXER on Instagram (hapcoala)
Old friends connecting at the Mixer! Pictured are HAPCOA LA Chapter President Commander Ed Ramirez and Hank Aguilar (former CA State Parole Board Commissioner and retired member of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department).
HAPCOA LA Chapter Board Members. Pictured (L to R): Police Administrator II Jeff Phillips, 3rd Vice President; Lt Leticia Ruiz, Secretary; Deputy Sonia Castro, Sgt at Arms; Commander Ed Ramirez, HAPCOA LA Chapter President; Alma Burke, 1st Vice President; Chief Robert Arcos, 4th VP & Past Chapter President; and Captain Alex Vargas, Treasurer. Chief Arcos also serves on the HAPCOA National Board as Director at Large.

HAPCOA Los Angeles Chapter website:

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