The HAPCOA National Training Symposium
in Mesa, AZ has been postponed!

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HAPCOA Members Empowering the Future of Law Enforcement

November 26, 2016

(Washington)  The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) held its 43rd Annual National Law Enforcement Training Symposium, November 14-17, 2016, in Long Beach, CA.  This year’s theme was “Trust, Training and Technology in Support of 21st Century Policing”.

During the events role call it was revealed that several HAPCOA members have been promoted and selected to major law enforcement leadership posts nationwide.  This includes the recent election of HAPCOA member Javier Salazar to Sheriff of Bexar County (the county includes San Antonio which is the 7th largest city in the US) and the selection of Art Acevedo to the position of Chief of the Houston Police (the fourth largest city in the US).

In addition HAPCOA members and presenters present included the following Hispanic law enforcement leaders in Policing:  Chief Robert Luna, Long Beach Police Department; Chief Paul Chapa, Trinity University, San Antonio; Chief Teresa Ramon, Judson ISD, San Antonio, TX; Assistant Chief Hector Velez, Prince Georges County Police Department, Prince Georges County, MD; Inspector General Carlos Acosta, Prince Georges County Police Department; Assistant Chief George Villegas, Los Angeles Police Department; Commander Joaquin Herran (retired), Los Angeles Sheriffs Office, William Martinez, Chief of Police (retired), St. Paul Police Department, and many others.

Current and retired HAPCOA members attending who represented Federal Law Enforcement Agencies included:  Adam Torres, former US Marshal, Central District of California; Richard Garcia, retired Assistant Director in Charge, FBI; Anthony Chapa, retired Assistant Director, US Secret Service; John Torres, retired Deputy Assistant Director, ATF; Tony Cox, Special Agent in Charge, NCIS; Joe Macias, Special Agent in Charge, DHS-Homeland Security Investigations and many others. 

Presenters at this years national Symposium included:  Sheriff Jim McDonnell, Sheriff, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department; Roderick Allison, Assistant Administrator/Director Office of Law Enforcement/ Federal Air Marshal Service/TSA; Darryl De Sousa, Deputy Commissioner, Baltimore Police Department; Commander Michael Parker, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department; Chief Jarrod Burguan, San Bernardino Police Department; Sergeant-II Michael Odle, Los Angeles Police Department; Brian Buchner, Policy Director, Office of Public Safety, Mayors Office, Los Angeles; Fr. Mark Bandsuch, Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University; Inspector General Max Huntsman, Los Angeles County; Christopher McFarlin, American Military University; Chief Patrick Gannon, Deputy Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports; among others.

Also attending HAPCOA this year were leadership representatives and fellows of the following professional law enforcement associations:  International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA), National Asian Peace Officers Association (NAPOA) and the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization (NLLEO).

Sworn-in as the HAPCOA 2017 National President was Captain-III Tina Nieto, Los Angeles Police Department.  Tina becomes the first female President of HAPCOA.

Also sworn-in as members of the 2017 HAPCOA National Board were:

  • Executive Director:  Anthony Chapa, Assistant Director (retired) US Secret Service;
  • Immediate Past-President: John Torres, Deputy Assistant Director (retired) ATF;
  • President Emeritus: Captain Don Tijerina, Bexar County Sheriffs Office;
  • 1st VP:  Richard Rosa, Supervisory Federal Air Marshal, FAMS;
  • 2nd VP: Teresa Ramon, Chief, Judson ISD Police Department;
  • 3rd VP:  Steve Noguera, ASAC, Naval Criminal Investigative Service;
  • 4th VP:  Javier Salazar, Sheriff-elect, Bexar County Sheriffs Office;
  • Sergeant at Arms:  Manny Ovalle, Ombudsman (retired), USSS-Uniformed Division;
  • Secretary: Roger Lozano, Governor’s Appointment, Texas Violent Gang Task Force;
  • Treasurer: Clarence Jorif, Senior Special Agent, US Secret Service;
  • Event Coordinator:  Mary Cox, National Training Symposium and Exposition.

Chief Paul Chapa, Trinity University, San Antonio and Commissioner Nicolas Perrin, Mexican Federal Police, who serves as President of the Association of Police Attaches of Latin America in Washington, DC


Center: Opening Keynote Speaker Sheriff Jim McDonnell, Los Angeles County


Captain Tina Nieto, Los Angeles Police Department, was sworn in as 2017 National President of HAPCOA


HAPCOA 2016 National President John Torres presents the HAPCOA Presidents Award to Sheriff Jim McDonnell with sponsor Alex Giuffrida of CNC Technologies


Executive Director Tony Chapa, Bexar County Sheriff-elect Javier Salazar & Chief Robert Luna, Long Beach, CA


Executive Director Chapa, President Cindy Rodriguez of the National Latino Peace Officers Association and President John Torres, HAPCOA, share a moment at the opening ceremony.

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