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HAPCOA National Board Announcements

March 17, 2020

(San Antonio)  With the postponement of the HAPCOA 46th Annual National Law Enforcement Training Symposium, due to issues related to the COVID 19 (CoronaVirus), the National Board voted to hold all board members in position until our next National Law Enforcement Training Symposium

The postponed HAPCOA National Law Enforcement Training Symposium will be held in April 27-30, 2021 in San Antonio, TX.  The San Antonio Chapter and the HAPCOA Symposium Committee will continue forward with their plans and prepare for our next symposium.  The training agenda will remain in tack (based on the schedules of the presenters) and the training theme for our postponed symposium will remain: “Enhancing Community Relations & Safeguarding Community Trust”.

Plans will also now advance as we also prepare to host our 2022 HAPCOA National Law Enforcement Training Symposium in Los Angeles in April 2022.

Also note that all HAPCOA 2019/2020 Aguila Award winners will be presented with their plaques, medals and awards at our postponed event to be held during the Aguila Awards Luncheon in San Antonio on April 28, 2021.  In addition, HAPCOA 2020/2021 Aguila Awards will be presented at our next event in San Antonio.

At present the HAPCOA National Board has one open slot (2nd VP) for a non-federal command level officers (Ranked at Lt and above).  This person would advance to National President in 2023 and would be responsible for our HAPCOA 2023 National Training Symposium.  Anyone interested in serving should advise HAPCOA Executive Director Tony Chapa (, on or before May 1, 2020. Executive Director Chapa can provide additional details.  From the pool of interested parties the HAPCOA National Board will appoint an individual to serve as our 2nd VP.

Next year, during the HAPCOA National Membership meeting, to be held on Monday, April 26, 2021, we will hold an election for 4th VP (Federal / GS 14+/Active or Retired) and also all two-year positions on the National Board will be open for election and/or re-election (Secretary, Treasurer, Sgt-at Arms & Parliamentarian).   The Director at Large position on the National Board is appointed yearly by the National President.

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