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HAPCOA NCR Chapter Supports 16th Annual Christmas Food Drive

December 19, 2016

The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association – National Capitol Region Chapter, along with members of the Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association, the United Black Police Officers Association and the Association of Police Attaches of Latin American (APALA) joined forces and held its 16th Annual Christmas Food Basket drive for needy families on Friday, December 16, 2016.

This year’s event was held at a public housing project in Hyattsville, Maryland (just 15 minutes east of Washington, DC).  Despite cold sub-freezing temperatures hundreds of needy families lined up at 6am for bags of much needed food supplies.  Volunteer members of the hosting law enforcement organizations and volunteers from the local community loaded up food ‘baskets’ and then distributed them to the families.  Each bag was loaded with donated food staples provided by the noted law enforcement organizations and local grocery merchants like MEGA MART.

Over 1,200 bags of much needed food items were shared with members of the Latino community.  Local Spanish language radio stations provided press coverage.

On site and organizing the event was HAPCOA NCR Chapter President Captain Joe Perez (Prince Georges County Police Department).  Also attending and representing HAPCOA were Richard Rosa, National 1st Vice President, National Sgt at Arms Manny Ovalle and Executive Director Anthony Chapa.

Families line up for food baskets while volunteer officers unload trucks of supplies.

Teams of volunteers organized the food supplies and prepared to fill the bags of food.

Alex Zunca, Baltimore County Police Force, filling bags with food and the joy of the season.

Volunteer representing the Ecuadorian National Police loads food bags.

APALA volunteers also included uniformed members from the Panamanian National Police and the Mexican Federal Police.

Happy Holidays from HAPCOA & APALA.

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