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HAPCOA Support National Faith and Blue Weekend 2021

October 11, 2021

(Washington DC) The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA), in partnership with major National Law Enforcement Associations, supported National Faith and Blue Weekend for its second year since its founding in 2020.

The National Faith and Blue Weekend continues to build upon a foundation that presents a path forward to better communities, improved understanding, openness and a common goal.

Many HAPCOA members supported their departments nationwide as they sponsored a variety of activities that included: cookouts, concerts, festivals and conversations between community leaders and police.

The HAPCOA National Capital Region chapter, in relationship with area faith-based leaders and community activists, and ahead of this event, arranged to fill 5 containers with supplies (medical equipment, food, clothing and other much needed items). These containers were shipped to supporting churches in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador (where many of the Latino members of the Maryland community have family members in need of help and support). Several hundred members of the Hispanic community in Maryland attended this event and were offered COVID vaccinations (by Holy Cross Health), gift cards, and bags of food donated by American Diversity Group.

Kicking off the event was Maryland Deputy Secretary of State Luis Borunda. Also attending the event were members from the Washington DC based Embassies of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador to help attendees with immigrations issues. Supporting the event were members of the Hispanic Officers Law Enforcement Association (Baltimore City Police Department) and the Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association (Prince George’s County Police Department).

HAPCOA Executive Director Chapa and Past National President Rosa.

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