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National Board Members Richard Rosa, 1st Vice President and Manny Ovalle, Sergeant at Arms, Represented HAPCOA at the “Community-Police Partnership: Dialogue to Ensure the Safe Future of Our Community”, held at Alvernia University

October 9, 2017

HAPCOA member, Reading Police Chief, and Alvernia University alumni, Andres Dominguez, Jr. initiated a Junior Police Academy for Middle and High School students interested in a law enforcement or criminal justice career while learning about policing.

The event theme focused on improving communication, improving trust and strengthening relations with police.  Mayor Wally Scott (former District Judge and native of Reading, PA) spoke about “needing a better system for our children and youth.”  Representatives from the NAACP and NOBLE, community leaders, students, Junior Police Academy cadets, local police officials, and members of the local FOP attended.  Professor Barry Harvey of Alvernia’s Criminal Justice Program moderated. 

Left to Right:  Manny Ovalle-Sgt. at Arms National Board, Andres Dominguez, Jr. – Chief of Police, Richard Rosa – 1st VP National Board, and Dr. Joseph J. Cicala – VP for University Life

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