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SafeGuard CoolMax vest to be auctioned at the Symposium

November 14, 2016

As part of SafeGuard’s commitment ensuring the safety and protecting the lives of law enforcement and military operatives, the brand recently announced a donation to HAPCOA, the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association, established in 1973. The nationwide organization has received one of the brand’s CoolMax carriers, which is to be auctioned at their annual symposium. 

In keeping with HAPCOA’s dedication to meeting the challenges of selection, promotion and retention of Hispanic American men and women in professional law enforcement and the criminal justice system, SafeGuard’s armor addresses the concerns of their communities through the implementation of innovative, state-of-the art protection technology. 

The range of CoolMax vests are characterized by optimum ventilation, and offer maximum protection in extreme weather conditions – something that greatly benefits law enforcement agents who need to patrol the streets for hours at a time. Using cutting edge technology, SafeGuard has engineered a line of vests to offer comfort and security that fits the specific needs of the law enforcement community. 

The CoolMax range of premier covert carriers fit ideally underneath the uniform of police officers, keeping them safe from ballistic threats while remaining perfectly concealed. They are comfortable to wear, lightweight and flexible, which means they don’t affect an officer’s range of movement or endurance. Specialized CoolMax materials make this a breathable and comfortable model, offering unobtrusive and discreet protection. SafeGuard’s CoolMax carriers are designed with multiple points of adjustment to ensure that law enforcement agents are able to get the perfect fit for their body type.

The material is designed to create a low profile and ensure the vest is not noticeable under clothing. It is made of material that is designed to allow air to circulate with ease to ensure that officers do not sweat profusely while wearing it. The carrier is heavily padded to ensure that the vest has the specific level of protection that it is designed to have. All in all, SafeGuard’s CoolMax range of protective carriers is developed in keeping with the latest industry standards and best practices to provide a full-featured safety solution to the law enforcement industry. As the company is committed to the same mission of promoting security and empowering police officers as HAPCOA – the donation marks the beginning of a strategic partnership that will be beneficial to the community of Hispanic American men and women in professional law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

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