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Texas Law Enforcement To Provide Free Emergency Response Training In Schools

April 18, 2018

The San Antonio Express-News  (4/17) reports the Bexar County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office and Judson Independent School District are “offering free training to area school police, administrators, and teachers on how to respond to active shooters and hazardous situations.” Sheriff Javier Salazar “said they are hoping to fill the available 100 slots with staff from area school districts, as well as private or charter schools.” BCSO Deputy Chief Aristides Jimenez “said they decided to offer the course after several people reached out to the department for more ways they can secure their campuses.” Judson ISD Police Chief Teresa Ramon “said having more campuses learn the protocol will help responding agencies coordinate their efforts.”

Sheriff Salazar and Chief Ramon both serve as members of HAPCOA’s National Board of Directors and are active members of the San Antonio Chapter.


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