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Trinity University Awarded IACLEA Accreditation

June 28, 2019

(Vancouver)  The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) held’s its 61st Annual Symposium & Exposition, June 25-28, 2019, in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada.

IACLEA represents campus public safety leaders at more that 1,000 institutions of higher education and offers IACLEA Accreditation to college and university law enforcement, security, and public safety departments. IACLEA Accreditation constitutes recognition that a department conforms to the highest professional standards for campus law enforcement and protective services.  Nearly 80 IACLEA member institutions have been accredited internationally.

This year, Paul Chapa, Chief of Police and Lt .John Rowse, representing Trinity University Police Department officially received the IACLEA Accreditation.

Trinity University, founded in 1869, is a private liberal arts university in San Antonio, TX.  The Trinity University Police Department is well recognized for its professionalism thanks in no small part to its Chief of Police Paul Chapa.  In 2014 the Police Department was also recognized and awarded by IACLEA for “Innovation in Community Oriented Policing” and the Department was formally recognized by the Texas Police Chiefs Association.

Chief Chapa also severed as the National President of the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA).  HAPCOA offers is congratulations to Chief Chapa and to the men and women of the Trinity University Police Department.

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